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Week 7 Personal Blog

It's been 1.5 weeks since I updated my personal blog, this is what I have done throughout the weeks. First of all, as the team lead and overall game director, I was able to identify multiple issues with our game, thanks to our playtest. After talking to my members and taking in their suggestions, I did some fundamental changes to how magic and combat system works. I have also hosted and participated in multiple programmer meetings, to make sure that any questions would be answered and make sure that we were on the right track to complete the project. I have also done multiple types of research on tutorials that is needed for our members to make sure that have everything that they need before they proceed. I also started thinking about how the damage system going to work with different types of attack interacting with each other.

As the modeler and animator, to start off the break, I focused on making the character animation as fluid as I can within the skill set that I acquired. I redo most of the animations that were seen during the demo. I also added a lot of animation into the game, which includes, character state (idle, attack, back dashing, charge attack, dying, running [scraped], magic [scraped]). Also, I finished most of the animation for the basic enemy which includes (dying, idle, run, attack 1, attack 2, attack 3). Lastly, I finished the new "friend" object that is going to follow the player around.

As for personal reflection, I am very happy that we were able to have this reading break. It allowed me to finish a lot of animation within the time period. However, I do feel that since I am working on it every day, my quality is dropping substantially which cost a lot of redos. Hopefully, in the future, I would able to keep the quality that I do while also producing a large quantity of work.

As for the team, they were very helpful this week. Many had come out and given me great suggestions such as how the magic system should work, how the enemy should work, what we needed to make levels more interesting, etc. It was a great improvement since previous weeks. Also, all the members were able to deliver what they were tasked within the deadline.

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