Week 8 Personal Blog
As for my personal contribution this week, I'll be yet again separating them into multiple sections.
To start it off, I am going to talk about the game director part. With the feedback from our TA, I was able to reaffirm my team on our direction with the game, which is an action adventure game instead of a half platform half combat game. I had a few meeting with my level designer talking about the reasons why I wanted a certain move set added into the game, and persuade them why these mechanics are required in order to have a successful second playtest. I hosted multiple meeting with my programmer to make sure that he knows exactly what we need for the playtest. This includes in-depth research on examples, calculating how damage is going to distribute from different types of attack and animation and providing feedback/answering questions. I also had multiple private meeting with my environment modeler/level designer to make sure everything is properly scaled and everything would be working if it is implemented. Also, I wrote out the playtest document which includes everything that we did from the last playtest till now and wrote out most of the question that we might need from the playtester. Lastly, I updated our group blog.
My other position is animator/modeler. My first task was to model some basic asset that was still missing from our game, things such as bullet hell pillars, 'friend' (magic shooting follower), etc. I was also able to think of multiple different mechanics/attacks that all 4 types of the enemy will do in-game and animate them accordingly (total around 16 unique animations).
Overall, I am pretty happy with our progression this week. For my personal reflection; since the deadline is pushing up, I have been really pushing my team forward, however, I am not quite good at dealing with people with different unique personality. In the future, I would like to practice more about how to connect with my group member while also being ahead of the deadline.
For my group, I just want to say a good job to everyone who worked days and night to accomplish what we had. I know the game has quite a big scope but hopefully, we can push through and finish the game.