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Team Progress Week 2

To start off week two, we planned on allowing our modeling team to completely finish the main character model; we also assigned our programmer to complete a basic bullet pattern testing playground; lastly, we asked our member who focuses on narrative to flush out the story and start writing for the first section.

We were able to successfully complete the main character model, which includes head model, hair, shoes, and hand (fingers). On top of that, we were able to finish the clothing for the character as well. Our programmer was able to successfully create a simple bullet pillar that shoots bullets which damages/decreases character's health. Our narrative storyteller was able to flush out the general storyline with some scripts finished for the first scene.

Moving on to the next week, we are planning on focusing on GDD. However, for our individual work, we are planning to do some animation for main character, model the enemy, model the environment, bullet pattern for programming, connect left and right button click into attacks (programming), more story writing, and last but not least, level design.

Please stay tuned to our individual blog for updates on the progress. Thank you for reading.


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