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Team Progress Week 4

Week 4 is quite a productive week for our team. To start it off, we planned on completing most of the in-game UI, which includes health bar, enemy health bar, weapons and potion/essences; we also planned on finishing up on character rigging; for programming, we assigned our programmer to finish programming pattern bullet hell with 5 different patterns and also indications when player left click and right click, lastly, we wanted to create more assets for environment.

Things work out pretty smoothly this week. We were able to finish most of the in-game UI that we needed. We were also able to complete the character rigging, and even start on creating some animation. We were also able to complete most of the bullet hell pattern and started the attack indicator. And lastly, we completed multiple environment assets for our game. However, there are some problems that we are currently facing right now, mainly revolves around the exportation of the animation. Hopefully, with time we will be able to solve it.

Moving onto next week, we want to continue on creating more assets maybe even enemy models. We also want to continue experimenting with animation with our characters. We also plan on drawing out the shell menus and any other needed UIs. Our main goal for next week will be completing a testing playground for first playable.


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