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Team Progress Week 5

To start off week 5, our main focus is to finish the first playable version and do multiple playtests. For modeler/animator, we planned on rushing out the basic attack animation and also a coherent environment. We also planned on adding in the animation to Unity and having the basic combo-ing done. Lastly, we wanted to revise our gdd.

Everything went pretty smoothly as we planned. We created a coherent environment with both lighting and the fog system finished. We also have a basic attack animation finished (going to remake it), we have bullet hell and attack programmed into the game and lastly, we revised our gdd by adding in the narrative flowboard. After completing these, we did multiple playtesting and wrote down much valuable feedback.

Moving onto next week, we planned on recreating a new attack animation with more accurate and precise animation, since this is the most used action for the player. We also planned on creating a special effect for the playable character (weapon effect and particle effects). And lastly, fixing enemy health bar, the player should get stuttered or pushed back by the bullets, fixed the ground stuck issue, and lastly start working on the camera.


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