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Team Progress Week 7

It has been 2 weeks since our last blog post, so here are the updates (including the reading break). With the feedback that we received from our first playtest, and since we have a whole week off from school, we were off to a great start.

Let's start with programming, one of the biggest concern that we had for our playtest is that not really a lot of mechanics were implemented which makes the game feels very generic and dull. Therefore, we started off the week by hosting multiple programming meetings to resolve some issue. We were able to figure out how to add camera locking, responsive attacks with animation, and also more difficult bullet hell section (ex. having the player stutter when touched, etc.).

Our level designer was also able to complete 2 interesting levels, however, there were still some issues with level difficulty and technical difficulty; therefore, it is still an on-going process.

Last but not least, modeling, animation and special effect. We have been pushing a lot of assets out during this 1.5 weeks. First, we finished modeling 2 types of enemy models which includes the boss type and normal type (fully rigged). We also finished modeling/animated the "friend" character that the player will use to shoot out magic. On top of that, we finished most of the animations for the normal type enemy. We were able to redo most of the animation for the character that we had before, to make it more realistic and fitting. We also added a lot of character animations to allow our game to flow more fluidly. We also modeled the first level of the game with proper scaling. And for special effects, we were able to create weapon trail, bullets effect from enemy/bullet hell, dissolve effect, magic effect, dodging trail and lastly, barriers.


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